
5 Tools for Auto Service Automation

Business automation is the process of delegating various administrative tasks (and more) to software. This enhances the speed and efficiency of many organizational activities. Besides numerous optimization benefits, business owners also see a clear advantage: using business automation software can increase profits by up to 245%. The CRM industry, integration platforms, and low-code systems are rapidly evolving, offering a wide range of tools for business and marketing automation. Let’s explore the most popular ones, their pros and cons, and what to look for when choosing a system specifically for auto service automation.

What is Business Process Automation and Why Does an Auto Service Need It?

Business process automation allows for the optimization of document flow, customer relations, and internal communication. Typically, CRM systems, integration platforms, low-code systems, or programs for quick data collection and analysis are implemented. Their functionality is broad enough to cover all major business activities and processes. To avoid being vague, we will highlight the benefits of business process automation for auto services in marketing and planning, supported by relevant statistics. Here are the key features that can interest any auto service owner.

Order Cycle Optimization

Business process automation allows for the optimization of sales management, order registration, and processing. It is also used to create tasks, assign responsible employees, and monitor their execution. It has been found that using business process automation systems can increase productivity by 34%.

Marketing Automation

CRM systems are excellent tools for marketing automation. They significantly simplify managing advertising activities and the process of attracting new customers and retaining existing ones. For example, implementing a CRM system for marketing automation can boost customer conversion rates by up to 300%.

Automation of Reporting and Document Management

Document management is something that should be delegated to a system first. It prevents errors, quickly and easily systematizes data in one place, and generates the necessary reports with a single click. Automating operations such as accounting, inventory management, and sales statistics can increase business planning accuracy by 42%.

If you are interested in implementing such technologies for your business, here are tools that can meet your needs as an auto service owner.


SendPulse positions itself as an all-in-one platform for marketing and sales automation.

Advantages of Automation with SendPulse:

  • Multi-channel communication with clients (chatbots in messengers, email, and SMS campaigns)
  • Automation of lead conversion to client status and their progress through the sales funnel
  • Database systematization
  • Creation of deals and assignments to specific managers

Disadvantages of Automation with SendPulse:

  • Primarily designed for automating online stores, particularly businesses selling informational services (courses, webinars, lessons, consultations, etc.)
  • Covers only the part of marketing that targets clients already in your business database. Potential clients from outside will not be reached using this marketing automation tool.
  • Minimal reporting capabilities cannot manage or control physical objects and locations.


Hubspot is one of the largest and most popular business process automation systems.

Advantages of Automation with Hubspot:

  • Free version available
  • Unlimited number of users
  • Offers one of the most user-friendly interfaces among available CRM systems, increasing the likelihood of effective information recording by managers
  • Ability to attach to your website to track and monitor client actions

Disadvantages of Automation with Hubspot:

  • The free version has very limited functionality. The paid version costs at least $10,000 per year for the basic version.
  • It is not suitable for businesses providing physical services, as it lacks proper tools for automating such processes
  • If you own multiple auto services, it does not allow the creation of separate projects within the system. Consequently, data will be mixed, and disparate statistics cannot be automatically generated.


ZenDesk is a software solution originally created for customer support departments.

Advantages of Automation with ZenDesk:

  • Ticket system that allows quick responses to customer inquiries
  • Convenient multi-channel communication with colleagues and clients
  • Data collection and business analytics
  • Customer management throughout the sales process

Disadvantages of Automation with ZenDesk:

  • Lacks the ability to export and import data in .csv format
  • Automates only processes related to customer work and support, and does not impact production processes
  • Requires the installation of many applications, with each additional application progressively increasing the cost
  • Complexity in implementation, requiring staff training. The system is difficult to master, leading to underutilization of functionality and the need for hiring an external company to implement CRM in your business.

FixIQ Pro – A Program for Auto Service Automation

FixIQ Pro is a business process automation system designed exclusively for auto service owners, tire shops, and any other businesses specializing in vehicle maintenance. FixIQ Pro is a universal solution for business automation in one application that specifically covers your field of activity.

With FixIQ Pro you can:

  • Maintain customer databases and conduct email and messenger campaigns
  • Create work shift schedules and order appointments
  • Manage digital document flow, including material and parts accounting, and even automatic payroll calculation
  • Control the repair or maintenance of each client’s vehicle at all stages. With the automatic notification feature, you will immediately learn about overdue tasks
  • Obtain comprehensive analytics such as information on customer flow, terminal load, average check, etc.
  • Attract new clients. The app automatically posts information about your business on a specialized website and in the app, significantly reducing advertising and promotion costs.

FixIQ Pro is an easy-to-learn, multi-platform program for business automation. You and your employees can easily use it with an intuitive interface, and you won’t need a lot of office equipment – FixIQ Pro is accessible even from a smartphone. This capability should not be underestimated, as statistics show that smartphone-based CRM systems can increase business efficiency by 73%.

Which Tool is Best for an Auto Service?

First, when choosing a business process automation system, evaluate how well it adapts to the specifics of your business. The better the system is tailored to auto service operations, the less effort, time, and money you will spend on adapting and implementing the system specifically for you.

Secondly, determine which business processes you want to automate. Then review the advantages of the available business automation systems on the market and evaluate which one will be the most suitable for you.

Thirdly, prioritize business automation tools that are universal, contain all the necessary functions in one service, and are easy to learn. Implementing this technology should simplify your life, not create additional digital confusion among endless applications, employees, and documents. FixIQ Pro is a logical, compact CRM system that contains only what is necessary and nothing extra – no additional hidden fees for functionality expansion, no additional programs, just what you need, all in one place, for a transparent and understandable price.


You don’t need to figure out how to adapt a CRM system to your conditions when the market already offers specialized solutions tailored for you and your auto service. It’s always better to deal with those who understand the specifics of working with cars, especially when it comes to high-tech things like business process automation programs.

Stay in tune with FixIQ Pro – a specialist in auto service automation. By choosing this system, you will soon notice positive changes in your organization’s work. This service reliably serves customers, employees, and management, covering a vast range of business processes. Whether it’s customer communication, employee control, advertising, or marketing – rely on FixIQ Pro, a business automation program that works for you and can replace an entire team of managers, which is very beneficial for any small business.

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