To view the current balance of goods, go to the “Warehouse of goods” subsection from the general menu of the warehouse.
You can quickly view information on available goods: the number of items, units of goods, the total purchase price, and the cost of selling the available items.
The table below divides goods by types: parts and liquids, tyres, rims, goods, and consumables. You can find the desired product through search by manufacturer, category, parameters, or filter by storage place. Having found the desired goods, you can add them en masse to the order or change the sale cost. For each individual item, you can view the history of product movements and edit it.
Click the corresponding button in the upper right corner to place goods on arrival. Specify the supplier, invoice number, date, and time of delivery. You can also download a receipt. After entering the data, click the “Next” button.
In the arrival window, specify the name of the product, its article number, or barcode. All other parameters of the product will be automatically pulled from your catalog. Add the purchase price, product quantity, and warehouse location, and edit the sales price if needed. Done. Now you can add the next arrival position by clicking the “Add” button at the bottom of the screen.
If you are adding a product that is not in your catalog, click the “Add product” button in the “Name” drop-down list and proceed to product creation.
After adding all arrival positions, click the “Save arrival” button at the bottom right of the screen.
To add spare parts to the work order, mark the necessary items with “ticks” and click the “Add to the request” button. Specify the required quantity and select the work order to which you need to add the product. Click the “Save” button.
To change the price of goods en masse, select the necessary items and click the “Change the cost” button. Specify the percentage by which the price changes and edit the price by clicking the “Reduce” or “Increase” button. Save new prices.
To edit the product balance, click on the three dots on the right side of the product table and select “Edit.” In the mode of editing product balances, you can edit the quantity of the product and its storage location. When reducing or increasing the number of goods, it will be necessary to choose the reason “Arrival”, “Recalculation”, “Write-off” or “Movement” of the goods.
After entering the data, click the “Save” button.
You can also view the history of the movement of the product by clicking on the three dots on the right side of the product row and selecting “History of movements.” You will see the entire history of goods movement in the warehouse. You can find the required transaction by selecting the date or type of transaction you want.
Warehouse is now available!
The section is in testing mode
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