You can go to the work order after creating a new application. If a work order has already been created, you can access it through the calendar, tasks for today, customer database, work order database, and chat.
The new application displays the date and time of creation, the order status, the client’s personal data, general information about the car, and a list of works and spare parts.
The brand, model, and license plate are indicated in the general information about the car. You can view the detailed characteristics of the car and its history by clicking on its name. Next to the car, you see an employee who will receive the vehicle. It can be changed as needed. Specify the preferred payment method: Cash, card, non-cash settlement, or settlement through FixIQ; service class and cost per standard hour.
Enter the date and time the car arrived for service. This data can be changed as needed.
To schedule work on the car, click the “Add” button in the “Works” section.
In the “Name” line, select the category and required services. If the data about the services are filled in correctly in the service profile, the system will substitute the cost and the required number of standard hours to perform the work. If the data is not inserted, specify it. Save the data.
Click the pencil to the right of the service to designate the executor and the workstation where the work will be performed. Choose a job post, masters, and start time. The system will calculate the approximate date and time of completion of the work. If the services belong to the same category and are performed consecutively at the same workstation, they will be formed into a set of works. To form a complex of works, we add services from one category. We select those we want to perform consecutively on one post and press the edit button. We choose a work post, one or more performers, and set a start date and time. The system will calculate the approximate date and time of completion of the work; we save it. The set of works is formed, and it has a total time and cost of execution.
To add spare parts, click the “Add” button in the “Spare parts” block and enter the data.
Specify the part code, name, quantity, and price. The total cost will be calculated automatically. Click the “Save” button.
If the customer brought his own spare parts, click on the “Settings” sign in the upper right corner and enable the option of adding customer spare parts.
Click the “Add” button in the “Customer parts” block and enter the data.
Specify the name and number of spare parts. Click the “Save” button.
After adding spare parts, you can enable the “Old spare parts in trunk” option and add an internal comment to the order. This comment will be available only to your colleagues; the client will not see it.
After filling in all the data, you need to coordinate the work and spare parts with the client. They can be agreed upon through the mobile application or verbally, that is, in oral communication with the client.
To verbally agree on jobs, click the checkboxes opposite jobs and parts. After that, the “Verbally agree” button will be activated at the top of the block. The application will change to the status “Enrollment confirmed” by clicking on it.
To quickly coordinate work and spare parts with the client through the mobile application, click the button “Coordinate with the client” in the lower right corner. After that, the client will receive a list of works and spare parts that require coordination in the mobile application. The work order will change to the status “Awaiting approval.” After the client’s response, you will receive a message that he has fully or partially agreed to or rejected the work. The application will change to the status “Enrollment confirmed.”
When working with a work order, the service can request a client’s subscription. To do this, you need to click the “Request a subscription” button in the lower right part of the screen and specify the required amount. The application will change its status to “Awaiting subscription”.
After the client makes the subscription, the application will move to the following status.
After the car service has accepted the car, the work order status changes to one of the working statuses: waiting, working, or diagnostics, depending on what is happening with the vehicle. If the vehicle is waiting to be picked up or is waiting for parts, it will change to “Waiting” status.
If the work order changes to the status “Pending,” the receiver must indicate that the car is waiting for: “Start of work” or “Spare parts”
The status “Pending” has a time when work on the car should start. If this term is overdue, the system will send a notification about it.
When diagnostic services are provided to the car, the status of the application is updated to “Diagnostics.”
After the diagnostic works are started, the receiver or master must transfer the status of one or more diagnostic works to the status “In progress.”
After the diagnosis is completed and all diagnostic work is transferred to the status “Completed,” the status of the order is changed to “Diagnostics completed” or transferred to the status “Waiting” if there will be other work on the car.
When maintenance or repair work begins on the car, the receiver or master must transfer the services being performed to the “In progress” status.
After that, the work order will change its status to “In progress.” The client will receive a notification about this in the mobile application.
If the status of the work in progress is not changed to “Completed” at the scheduled time, the receiver will receive a message about the overdue time. In this case, either change the status of the works to “Completed” if they are completed, or update the date of completion of the works.
As soon as all work for the car is completed, the receiver must press the button “Work completed” in the lower right part of the screen.
After the application has changed to the status “Work completed,” the car service waits for the client to hand the car over. The client can pay for car service services through the FixIQ mobile application or on the service. If the client pays through the application, the car service receives a corresponding message, and a corresponding mark about the payment appears in the purchase order. The recipient only has to press the “Close application” button after handing over the car. The order will receive the status “Completed.”
If the client pays by cash, card, or non-cash payment, the receiver clicks the “Close application” button and selects the amount and method of payment.
After saving, the order-order changes to the status “Completed”.
In the “Completed” status, we have a complete history of work performed, spare parts used, time spent on work, and a list of work performers. The order is moved to the archive.
Documents are automatically generated for each order. At each stage of car maintenance, the necessary electronic documents are generated: “Work order,” “Addendum to the work order,” “Diagnosis certificate,” “Invoice,” and “Act of completed works.” All documents are automatically sent to the client’s application.
You can view all these documents at any time or print them.
The client or car service can cancel the application at any time before the car is taken into service. The work order will change to “Cancelled” status.
Such an order can be restored, but the work, time, and necessary spare parts will have to be re-agreed with the client.
If the client wants to cancel the application at the time of the work, the master must finish the work and cancel the next scheduled work. After that, it will be possible to complete the work on the application. To suspend the work, click the “Settings” icon in the upper right corner and click “Cancel application.”
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